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Advanced Data Services

For Ultimate Efficiency


Hybrid Data-Physics Analytics

Due to their complex nature, subsurface operations usually require integrated characterization techniques that incorporate data and interpretations from different sources and disciplines. ‘Hybrid Data-Physics Analytics’ is designed based on coupling machine learning algorithms with physical models to provide more reliable results for these operations.

Multivariate Analysis & Machine Learning

There is much more than what usually can be seen in the data. We use advanced machine learning and data analytics approaches to reveal the hidden gems in your data.


Probabilistic and Geostatistical Modeling

Uncertainty is a natural character of geological, reservoir and geomechanical data and methodologies resulting in limitations in reliability of interpretation of the results of studies. Therefore, the uncertainties need to be treated very delicately and using statistical methods that properly address such issues. PetroGem scrutinize the data and methodologies and uses advanced geostatistical and probabilistic models to ensure that the important issue of uncertainty has been properly addressed.

Digital Transformation

Converting unstructured hard data into structural digital valued information with advanced automated solution is our goal to help our clients to reach their business target faster and cheaper. The process is associated with advanced tools to QC and data analysis. 


Questions about the services we provide? Feel free to reach out today.

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